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Gempar Dan Kecoh Cerita Hantu, Histeria, Rasuk Di UiTM Lendu Melaka

Kocoh tentang gambarcerita hantu sehinggakan ada pelajar-pelajar yang dikatakan histeria dirasuk hantu di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Lendu, Melaka yang semakin tersebar di laman-laman sesawang Facebook, forum, blog selain trending cerita hantu uitm Lendu di Twitter malam tadi..Situasi cemas berkenaan cerita hantu yang merasuk para pelajar di Uitm Lendu ini membangkitkan rasa bimbang kepada pelajar-pelajar universiti terbabit.. 

Kejadian histeria yang membabitkan pelajar-pelajar yang sedang menuntut di Uitm Lendu, kampus Melaka ini mula mendapat perhatian orang ramai setelah cerita mengenainya tersebar di internet..Kejadian pelajar histeria dirasuk hantu tersebut dikatakan memaksa Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) mengadakan majlis bacaan Yassin di Universiti tersebut..

Beberapa Cerita Hantu Di UITM Lendu Melaka Yang Diceritakan Oleh Pelajar UITM Lendu Sendiri:




Aku nak cerita sikit pasal orang kena rasuk dekat kolej aku.. Biasa lah you alls, kolej mana yang tak keras kan? Tak kesah lah kolej baru ke lama, semua berpuaka! Aktiviti rasuk merasuk, histeria kerap juga lah berlaku kat UiTM aku, UiTM Lendu Alor Gajah, Melaka.. Ada yang betul betul kena rasuk, ada juga yang buat buat dirasuk.. Entah apa motif dia pun aku tak tau lah.. 

Kolej aku kat UiTM tu kolej baru, tapi baru baru pun, sama keras dengan yang lama.. haha! Tapak lama kolej aku tu hutan, hutan kan? Mestilah ada penghuni kat situ.. Tapi kejadian rasuk yang berlaku kat kolej aku ni bukan disebabkan "penghuni" lain kat kolej aku tu.. Tapi disebabkan benda lain..

Ceritanya macam ni, malam tu aku kat bilik lagi.. Tetiba aku terdengar senior part 4 jerit suruh semua budak part 1 turun.. Time tu pukul 11 malam kot.. Aku turun lah, semua  orang berkumpul kat belakang kolej.. Time aku jalan tu aku ternampak banyak kereta kat surau berdekatan kolej.. Aku pun tanya lah kawan aku yang dah turun lebih awal..

"Ape ke hal tu??"

"Kena rasuklah.. ape lagi.."

"Ouh budak kolej mana, laki ke pompuan??"

"Budak Kolej Tun Ali.. Perempuan lerr.."

Aku pun buat bodoh laaa.. Lepas tu berkumpul, dengar lah senior berucap kat depan.. Time tu semua tengah busy dengan latihan untuk Open Kolej.. Malam tu budak budak yang masuk hakka kena buat latihan, budak dikir barat pun ada latihan.. Cuma budak Citra Warna je tak ada latihan.. Aku budak Citra Warna, so malam tu budak citra Warna relax tengok orang buat Hakka.. Sambil tengok orang buat hakka, mata aku pun menjenguk surau tadi.. Orang kat surau tu semua nak balik.. Dah habis menghalau lah kot.. Abang senior yang handle Hakka pun baru balik dari surau tu.. 

Tengah syok tengok orang buat hakka.. Tetiba macam kecoh kat satu bilik kat bawah.. Aku pun pelik laaa...!! Tetiba abang yang baru balik dari surau tu suruh budak hakka berhenti berlatih.. Dia cakap

"Korang nak naik bilik awal??"

Kitorang semua mesti lah nak kan.. masing masing pun dah penat, mengantuk lagi! Lepas tu abang tu cakap,

"Kalau korang nak naik awal, janji dengan aku.. 
jangan pergi bilik tu"

Kitorang semua pun pelik lah.. Mesti ada orang kena rasuk ni.. Macam "benda" tu melompat ke orang lain pulak.. Maybe sebab tu lah abang senior tu tak bagi pergi bilik tu.. Tapi... tak ada orang pun nak dengar cakap abang tu.. semua pergi serbu bilik tu nak tengok apa yang jadi.. Aku malas lah nak pergi menyemak.. Tapi ada lah jugak menjenguk.. hahaha...

Keesokkannya time aku nak pergi kelas.. Aku pun tunggulah kawan sekelas aku kat bawah.. Tak lama lepas tu dia keluar, aku pun tanya lah kawan aku tu pasal budak kena rasuk semalam sebab bilik dia dekat dengan budak yang dirasuk tu..

"Budak yang kena rasuk tu macam mana? dah okay??"

"Okay daaah... haaa kau nak tau cerita sebenar dia??

"Eh nak..! macam mana dia boleh kena rasuk??"

"Ni budak yang kena rasuk tu cerita balik tau..
Macam ni, semalam kan ada budak perempuan kena rasuk kat surau semalam??  Budak perempuan tu kena rasuk oleh SAKA dia
sendiri..  Lepas tu ada abang senior kita sebok  nak tengok time
nak halau saka tu.. lepas saka tu dah keluar.. Saka tu ikut abang senior kita.. Time dia menuju balik kat kolej.. Budak lelaki yang 
kena rasuk tu nampak Saka tu ikut abang tu.. Budak yang kena 
rasuk tu dah buka HIJAB!!! so dia boleh nampak"

"Ouh my dior!!"

"Yelah! Time dia nampak saka tu ikut abang tu.. Saka tu perasan yang dia boleh nampak!! Budak yang kena rasuk tu pejam mata, then bila dia buka mata je Saka tu betul betul depan dia!! Jarak saka dengan budak tu satu inchi je kau tau!! Budak tu terus tersandar kat dinding.. Then lepas tu ada abang senior lain ternampak budak tu, abang senior tu terus bawa budak tu masuk bilik dia.. Budak yang kena rasuk tu cakap, time dia kena rasuk, dia kena bawa oleh saka tu kat dalam hutan.. Dia kena ikat kat pokok.. Dua hari dia kat dunia sana..! Tapi kat dunia sebenar satu jam je! Dia cakap Saka tu bawa dia ke Perlis, sebab saka tu cakap loghat orang Perlis.. Hhaha..  Dia boleh lepas dari ikatan time ustaz ubat dia.. lebih kurang macam tulah dia cakap.. Dia cakap lagi, muka saka tu sama dengan muka budak perempuan yang kena rasuk semalam.. Tapi tua sikit lahhhh.."

"ouh macam tu.."
Aku pun tak tau sama ada nak percaya atau tak.. Tapi kalau betul macam mana?? entah lah.. Tapi kira berani lah budak tu sebab pergi buka hijab dia.. Entah apa lagi yang dia nampak kan? haha.. SERAM!

p/s: Lepas ni aku nak cerita pasal orang histeria dari bilik ke bilik.. :S

Lurzan Story


The stolen items part is creepy. First you�d be entering your room and you would think everything is fine. And then you�ll start to realise that one thing is missing. And then two things have gone missing, then you realise that almost everything valuable is missing from your room. And finally you�ll find a note saying this: �Nantikan ketibaan saya di kolej-kolej lain.�, which roughly translated means �Await my presence/arrival at the other colleges.�. Oh by the way, here, we call dorms �Kolej/College�. Four places have been attacked so far. All with the same note.
Rasuk, I saw with my own eyes. Real crazy stuff. Rasuk is when a thing enters your body, with the intention to hurt you and the people around you, and use your body to do various things. The girl at my level started dancing, and laughing, and screaming and shouting, walking here and there, and it was going in and out of her body so it was like she was her one second and another person the next.
When it was happening at the early stages, my roomates and I turned on the Yaasin on a speaker and sat together. And then we heard it: something screaming outside our window, as if trying to block out the sound of the Yaasin. When we paused the playback, it stopped screaming. When we turned it back on, it started screaming again. It was horrific. So we told our senior, who was at our level, handling the girl that kena rasuk. She then told us to just keep playing the Yaasin and ignore the sound, or leave the room and go to another room and stay there. We did the latter.
When we went to the other room, and as we were just about to close our eyes to sleep, we heard a different sound: someone tapping at our window. Mind you, we�re on the third floor. Then we heard another sound: a tapping on the bed posts. By that time, the girl that kena rasuk was already okay, but the seniors were still at our level. So we told the same senior again what had happened, and she came in, along with 17 of the other seniors, who are the members of the Majlis Tertinggi Kolej.
We sat in a circle, kept quite, and listened. Then we all heard it at the same time. We all just stayed in the room at the time, with no intention to leave at all, and we asked the seniors what happened the night before, or the other nights, and they told us that it�s only been our college, and one other boys� college. And it�s quite bad. Bad to the point where the Polis Bantuan, who are the people who guard our entire campus, had to be involved in the search of the boys who kena rasuk, because guess what? They can fly. Yup, they freakin� jumped off the second floor of the college, and flew away.
As we were telling the story, so many of us can hear what was happening outside our window. Taps, screamings, shoutings, clappings.. you name it. And while one of the seniors was speaking, another senior was signaling towards the window, while the senior that was speaking just nodded as if to say, �Ignore it!� to her. She was describing to us what had happened in her room, and one thing that happened was that she heard claps but just one clap and at different intervals. She showed us the sound of the clap, and then the whole room felt two strong winds blowing at different directions, and bam, the door opened by itself, as if kicked by something outside. But there was nothing there.
That was when we all read the Yaasin together, and decided that the entire room, all 20 of us, will not leave, because apparently the thing was walking around our level, waiting for us to come out. And apparently it was dancing the same dance the girl did when she kena rasuk, right outside our window. Scary stuff right there.
I think that night is just one of the nights that I�ll just keep thinking about for years to come. I mean this is insane. I was scared. And I�ve never been scared of such things. I�ll just have to keep thinking that God is with me and He and His words from the Book will protect me better than anything else. God is greater than anything else, anywhere, any time. He is with me.
Last night, which was Thursday, night of Friday, every college kena kacau by the thing that�s been rasuk-ing. My college was the worst because here we were, reading the Yaasin, and then three people started screaming, as if in pain. It�s was the scariest. Even the three colleges near us could hear the screaming. Word got out really fast so just as our college was being reported with rasuk, another college called in. An ustaz and some boys from the Majlis Penggerak Masjid were the first at the scene in our college. The YDP of Majlis Pewakilan Pelajar was there too.
Then we found out through Twitter that every college was holding a bacaan Yaasin, all at the same time. College lights were flickering and whatnot, and every college was chilly all night. And, from what I read on Twitter, a lot of people couldn�t sleep because of the sounds and the voices. But gosh, it was super creepy. I can still remember the screams.
The pukau part, is just really really frustrating. What these intruders will do is they will knock on your door (or sometimes they just barge in, if you don�t lock it) and they will shake your hand or tap your shoulder. By then you�re screwed. They�ll start talking nonsense to you, and 10 minutes later you�ll realise that you have taken out RM700 from your bank account and given it to these intruders, for a bottle, of literally nothing. They move really quickly. Everybody�s just afraid of staying in their rooms by themselves now because if they forget to lock it, there�s a higher chance of kena pukau. And this pukau thing will only happen if there are any carnivals/bazaar/fairs in our campus, which happens pretty much every two weeks. Plenty people have been pukau-ed. It�s the worst.
I don�t know what�s going on anymore. It�s just been too much lately. At the start of the semester, everything was fine. And then a month later, creepy things start to happen. Hope we can all be safe during this troubling time. Just end this so we can all be in peace. Thing is, we don�t even know what we did that set off the anger in the spirits around Lendu. All the events this week were all Islamic-oriented. Perhaps it�s mad because of that, because two nights ago, there was a talk in which the ustaz explained the Al-Fatihah. And he read it ever so beautifully. Just as he got to the third ayat, strong winds started blowing, and everything went havoc. The projector screen fell nearly hitting the ustaz�s head, backdrop nearly teared, the papers on the registration tables flew around� and man it was just creepy when the ustaz said �Ada benda tak nak saya teruskan bacaan saya ni.�. When he said that, another strong wind blew.
Ugh, I just.. this is freakin� scary alright. What do we do about this other than pray for safety? I mean it�s all the spirits here combined. Usually it�s one or two just trying to mess with everyone�s head, but now it�s really just disturbing everyone on campus for no particular reason. It�s annoying, and creepy, frustrating. Scary too. Gosh, just end this. End this now.
Day Eighteen (theruzannapages)

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